What does Cracow-Apartments.com offer?
We act as a middleman, connecting you with a variety of carefully-chosen apartments in Krakow. Whether your stay is for one day or several months, we can help you find the right place to make your visit enjoyable. The competitive prices offered in our service are an attractive alternative to Krakow hotels. Cracow-Apartments.com may also help you book other services and attractions offered by our partners.
What can I expect from an apartment?
We offer a wide selection of cheap apartments in Krakow, from small studios for 2 to 4 persons, to larger apartments which boast 1, 2 and more rooms. The largest of these apartments can comfortably accommodate up to 12 people. Because the furnishings and facilities available in each apartment differ, we have done our best to describe each according to the information we have carefully acquired. Each apartment has a kitchen (equipped with cooker, fridge, crockery and cutlery) or kitchenette, and 1 or 2 bathrooms.
How can I make a reservation?
(Please see our Reservation guide)
Is it necessary to confirm a booking?
Confirmation of a booking is not necessary. When you make your reservation, you are asked to give the expected time of your arrival. We do, however, ask that you contact the owner in the event of a change in time.
May I change the date of my arrival?
A change in booking dates is possible only upon terms and conditions provided by the owner in the Voucher.
Is it possible to prolong or shorten my stay?
You may prolong your stay at any time by logging-on to Cracow-Apartments.com on the condition that the apartment is available. Your stay may be shortened upon agreement with the owner.
How can I pay for my booking?
The only accepted form of payment of the reservation fee is by credit card. The balance is to be paid in cash (or by credit card if such an option is available) when you receive the key to the apartment.
What is included in the price?
Prices offered by Cracow-Apartments.com include all fees and taxes.
How can I pay less for the apartment rental?
Discounts (presented in the details of each apartment) are offered for stays longer than 4 days. For a second booking in the same apartment, many owners offer an additional loyalty discount. When making your booking, type in your loyalty discount number which is the number of your previous reservation.
When can I check-in to the apartment?
Check-in time is at 2:00p.m. on the day of your arrival. Check-out time is 12:00 noon. The suggested time for key pick-up will be given at the moment of booking. You may change this upon contacting the owner. When possible, you may prolong your stay by a few hours.
We hope we have answered most of your questions. If still in doubt, please contact us.